
weareVR Aerospace Hackathon à venir Berlin truly designing for the future

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We are challenging the community to propose solutions to a virtual helicopter cockpit not emulating existing cockpits but re-designing to utilize the full power of VR.

In the aerospace industry, innovations are implemented cautiously and rather in an evolutionary manner as very high demands are placed on safety and the associated approval procedures. Conventional cockpits are therefore characterized by switches and small displays, with a maximum of screens and HUD (augmented reality).

We would like to change that, we would like to disrupt the physical cockpit and migrate entirely to a virtualized one. Leveraging the full potential of virtually integrating technology and more than just emulating existing cockpits: Truly designing for the future!

weareVR Aerospace Hackathon XR teams Kick-Off Event BerlinweareVR Aerospace Hackathon DLR novel cockpit solutions

At the weareVR Hackathon Berlin everything revolved around finding novel VR solutions for helicopter cockpits

Truly designing for the future!

weareVR Aerospace Hackathon XR experience Berlin weareVR Aerospace Hackathon VR event berlin weareVR Aerospace Hackathon designed by Patric Dreier Studio

Teams of VR developers, avionics and aerospace enthusiasts, UX/UI designers, entrepreneurs, engineers, machine learning enthusiasts or programmers were getting together to find new ways of thinking outside the box.

There is so much more possible in VR!

weareVR Aerospace Hackathon à venir Berlin truly designing for the futureweareVR Aerospace Hackathon XR gaming cockpit prototypeweareVR Aerospace Hackathon aviation XR speed control weareVR Aerospace Hackathon participants challenge start-upsweareVR Aerospace Hackathon winning team prototype AR XR

"Basically we were curious.  We wanted to see where the future is headed to & explore our ideas."

Winning team member

weareVR Aerospace Hackathon event berlinweareVR Aerospace Hackathon jury novel solutionsweareVR Aerospace Hackathon XR winning team weareVR Aerospace Hackathon participant prototypingweareVR Aerospace Hackathon jury UX/UI designing cockpitweareVR Aerospace Hackathon The Drivery aviation Berlin

Our curated jury, impulse speaker & mentors announced the winning teams

For us they are all winners!


We invited successful Start-Ups, Fail Experts aka Prototyping Coaches,
VR enthusiast and a pilot to get the 360° view on the future of cockpits.

A hackathon is a collaborative event to find useful & creative software solutions together.
As this is a multi-disciplinary topic, we have chosen the judges to be interdisciplinary as well.
They look at the results from their perspective.


We are so proud of all the great teams that joined the weareVR mission in summer 2022:
These young multinational teams (9 nations & 4 continents) turned our heads with their innovative ideas & enabled new perspectives in the field of aviation cockpit!

We would like to thank all the participants for this amazing time we had together:
ups & downs, errors & adjustments, the creation of ideas, the Eureka moments
& the launching of the prototypes for novel cockpits.



weareVR Aerospace Hackathon winning start-ups teamsweareVR Aerospace Hackathon winning start-ups teams handing Oculus

Start with figuring out
a shared picture of the end goal

Iterate & prototype fast

& focus on the most important
parts of the solution!

"The entire project was a team effort."


weareVR Aerospace Hackathon winning start-ups teams The DriveryweareVR Aerospace Hackathon winning start-ups teams cockpit novel solutions

Our research, ideation & development for the hackathon was based on the following proposition :

Preventive Control & Maintenance is at the forefront of the Virtual Cockpit of tomorrow.

Hence we have set our own path, as to develop for that purpose today.

"We approached the hackathon by introducing a hack :-)))"


weareVR Aerospace Hackathon winning start-ups teams holding check LITEFweareVR Aerospace Hackathon winning start-ups teams VR XR AR

1. Never be afraid to let your ideas take shape.

2. With proper time management tasks become efficient.

3. VR in Aviation is a relatively unexplored terrain:
a lot of potential for sure!

"We wanted to make flying simple!"


We believe that the journey just has begun, so if you have a great idea, a strong team or an impressive vision of the novel cockpit within mobility - lets hear it!
Hit us with a mail & let us know what you are up to!

Find out all about the weareVR Hackathon 2022

event site 22 CONTACT US